Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Katherine Nelson - "What's Mine is Yours" (Music Video)

As part of my post about my gratitude for adoption, I posted the lyrics and a video playing the song called "What's Mine is Yours" by Katherine Nelson. Being an adoptive mom of 2, and one who will forever love their brave birth-mothers, this song sure resonates and touches my heart so deeply. Anyway, the exciting news is the song now is a music video!

Enjoy! And WARNING! Keep a box of Kleenex handy!

P.S. You should buy the album! It's called Born Brave. I own it and love it! The songs are about women being brave in different ways, some of the songs are upbeat and some others tender. You can buy it on AmazoniTunes, and Deseret Book.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this song! I wrote it with Katherine, and I am amazed at how many people can relate to the message. I'm grateful to get to connect with so many new people and share our experiences. Thank you for sharing yours!
