Owen was excited to help make them but his enthusiasm must have bomb-dived that night because I ended up painting them all by my lonesome while Barry worked on homework (oh yeah, Barry has been working on finishing school by taking online classes at BYU-I but that's for another post). Anyway, I got Owen to paint just long enough to take some pictures. I had some blue and red craft paint at home and I bought the rest from Walmart. Note to self never use Apple Barrel brand craft paint if you want one coat coverage. I had to use 2 or so coats where as the Folk Art (also sold at Walmart) and Delta only took one.
Owen was not happy about me trying to get him to paint. |
Owen loved gluing the eyes and other parts on. |
Here is the finished product. The best part was hearing the trick-or-treaters as they approached our door and say "Angry Birds! Cool!"
Owen was very excited to go trick-or-treating. He likes candy more this year but I'm very glad he'd rather have string cheese or a Go-Gurt instead. LOL. |