Dinner was so good but Owen was not quite himself. Usually he is as happy as a lark. Instead he was cranky and easily upset due to teething issues. By Friday he was just fine. Crazy how teething works.
I was a little bummed that we couldn't make Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandpa Clinger's home. All my aunts and uncles were there for the first time in years! Here is a picture of them (thanks Tiffani). It does make me think how much I wish my mother and grandmother were still here with us. Though I know they are around more than we know. Anyway... on a happier note.

Steven, Neal, Grandpa, Ann, David, & Mark
Friday we avoided the shopping crowds. I learned my lesson from last year. We do go to a pizza party at my uncle Steven's home. This time Owen was such a good boy! Most of my cousins, aunts, and uncles where there. It was lots of fun. Saturday we spent evening playing games with Barry's family. Sunday Barry got sick with a fever and body aches but by Monday he was all better. All in all we had a great Thanksgiving weekend.
Sounds like you had a good time! Anything that involves yummy food is a good time to me:) Oh yeah, I love your long hair Rebecca, you look hott!